Vice Principal’s Desk

Dear students

Lots of blessings!!!

“We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet” – Swami Vivekananda

Education has been proved to be the most powerful tool of all genera for development and growth of self and society. Success comes to those who work hard constantly with positive attitude and stays with those who don’t rest on glories, and keep on gaining new knowledge and updating themselves.

We at Nirmal Education Society, are determined for a vibrant and dynamic academic atmosphere with a wholesome and holistic development of our students. This is possible with the incorporation of students in the qualitative processes of the college. It requires an innovation ecosystem to hone the hidden skills of the students through various activities and programs. These activities help in moulding them to become global citizens and change-makers of the society. This is possible with multidisciplinary approach, innovative teaching learning processes and combining theory and practice in pedagogy. Our focus is on not only ‘what is taught’ but also ‘the way it is taught’.

We nurture our students by effective teaching skills, promoting and fostering logical and critical thinking and developing problem-solving attitude among students. Our persistent effort is to develop intellectual, emotional, logical and thought-provoking capabilities in students by encouraging them to express themselves freely and effectively.

The emotional wellbeing and growth along with intellectual development is important for the students. This impowers the students to develop self-satisfaction, self-esteem, self-awareness and self-confidence. In this temple of learning of Nirmal Education Society, we believe in empowering the students through moral value based, quality education, as be believe that empowered individuals can impower others.

“While educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their heart” – Dalai Lama.

My Dear students, let’s make this Institution a contemporary temple of learning.

Wishing you happy learning and bright future ahead. !!
Dr. Gajjar  Kirankumar Mansukhbhai
M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D, M.B.A. 
Vice-Principal .