Secretary Desk


Hello students,
I am typing this message when year 2023 is about to end and yet another promising and golden year 2024 about to begin.

With stable government and a powerful leadership our motherland has ensured a very prosperous 2023 at various levels. Considering the fast changing world order patterns, India was successful in establishing herself as next manufacturing hub surpassing China. In the midst of several wars India kept it’s firm position and marched ahead opening a big door of opportunities for aspiring students. India could take proper advantage of the world becoming a ‘Global Village’ in reality.

At one side geo political equations are changing very fast and on the other transformation in every area is seen at every moment. This is a very challenging yet a very promising situation. Even though the fast changing technology is a challenge, it brings multiple developments along with it.

Artificial intelligence is another area which is rising at a very rapid pace posing threat to human replacement. However, in my view it’s impossible to replace humans. Hence instead of being a threat I see it as an opportunity. Students can explore these opportunities by analysing the future and seeking proper education.

The education has undergone phenomenal changes with emphasis on practicals oriented approach over theory. This alteration was always meant to empower and train students to adapt to fast changing world. This is what exactly Nirmal Education Society is committed to. We want students to be trained and equipped to face the challenges paved on their ways.

!! The world has opened its arms to accept you fully. Are you ready to get embraced in multiple opportunities offered towards you? It may sound complicated as it is so. The opportunities are meant for those who would work hard to change themselves and train to explore these opportunities fully.

My best wishes for your bright future!!!!

Dr. (Adv.) C.J. Abhyanakar
DAE,BA,PGDM (Mktg), M.A. (Sociology)
,M.A. (police admin & Criminology),
LLB,LLM,MBA (Mktg), NET (Law),, Dip.Yoga Ayurved ,PhD(Socilogy)