College Coordinator Desk

Greetings and Welcome everyone to the journey which is a part of not only mine but also lives of you as parents, students and those who think likewise when it is about being at the receiving end of education that we ensure provision of, while your stay with us through various courses offered; both skills and competencies based.

The journey on which we have come so far since inception of our institution back in 2007, has been a remarkable one not only in terms of having secured its own growth but also holistic growth of the ones associated with it.

From being ones to encourage students to pursue only Bachelor course in Commerce, we have come a long way where we may now boast of offering skills based competencies via various self financed courses and also post graduate courses; I as the Coordinator of institution feel immensely proud to have elevated not only ourselves as educators but also our students who are able to create and make presentations, can deliberate on issues of concern and other related activities that might be apt falling under them being smart enough to sail through the challenges that life may throw at them once they step out in the real world.

For the purpose we ensure that our students are subjected to regular exposure when it comes to them being confident enough to face those in front of them as audience, interviewers, educators, co workers, and other sections of society. Regular monitoring of such events like PowerPoint presentations, Group discussions, role play etc that may boost their hunger and aptitude for knowledge; are taken up and monitored by concerned authorities.

I would hence like all concerned to join us in our bid to be as much responsible towards giving to the society as is humanly possible. And this task may be achieved primarily when all our students get equal opportunities especially in terms of them being not only educated but in a way that brings out all talents and interests that is vested in them and is waiting to come out to serve the mankind, for; it is through being of service to mankind that we may be able to present ourselves as true knowledge seekers and givers.

Thank you!!
Dr. Bhawana Paliwal
MCom (Business Administration)
PhD (Rural Marketing)